Monday, December 10, 2012

HR Guru is the voice of the people in the corporate world - IIPM Think Tank

Connecting several thousand professionals across the globe, HR Guru aims to bring them together on a common platform and provide a forum for discussing persistent problems and finding solutions to their queries. HR Guru seeks to provide guidance to budding professionals in dealing with their daily work demands and providing a third party perspective to their situations and issues.

Job seekers can look for their dream jobs through the platform HR Guru provides and employers will find the right talent that they seek. The HR Guru page on Facebook also provides a medium for job hunters and employers alike, where the twain can meet and fulfill each other’s needs. HR Guru, through its team of high calibre professionals and experts, also provides valuable insights into the industry trends and recent researches, and keeps professionals abreast with the best practices in the corporate world. Giving valuable inputs on people skills and providing the right guidance to professionals across the world, HR Guru is the voice of the people in the corporate world.

Q- What is the best CSR activity that an organisation should undertake?
A. The CSR activities that India needs the most are in the areas of education and health care. Q- How can the production target or increase in the number of employees per shift be met while starting a manufacturing unit?
A. This completely depends on the product one is manufacturing. For example, in case of a car production unit the idea of multiple shifts holds good because multiple skilled labours will be working for one unit. In case of a factory producing shirts, the number of labours can be increased in a single shift. It is more feasible from the management and capital perspective.

Q- I am a BE-CSE MBA-HR candidate. Currently, I work in a company but not in the HR department. How can I get a job in HR?
A. If you have talent you do not need recommendations. In my opinion, you need to get a job in a consultancy where you can experience actual HR practices. This exposure will help you get a job. Be positive and keep looking for job openings at 
All the best!  

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