Thursday, February 19, 2009

“If I have done wrong, hang me!”

Your popularity is going up among people all over the country. A Marxist MP from Kerala was punished for praising your work. Are you aware that you have fans in all parties?
I am aware of this. Even people who publicly criticise me have noticed my work. But I am really surprised that the Kerala MP was punished.

Looking at Gujarat, many feel that you could do wonders for the nation if you were Narendra Modimade the PM.

I have studied political science and know how such talks have ruined many top leaders in the past. I will not fall into this trap. I am content with what I am doing.

So, you do not wish to think beyond Gujarat?
I feel that by serving Gujarat I am serving the entire nation as well.

If ever you are made the PM, what would be your priority?
First of all there is no ‘if’ and ‘or’ in politics.

But you must have thought about something for the nation?
I think of the responsibilities I have, which is Gujarat, and I think of various plans for the betterment of Gujarat.

Any single economic policy which you would like to bring or introduce in India?
In Gujarat, development work is moving in the right direction. I want balanced growth, which means 30 per cent growth for all sectors: industrial, agricultural as well as service. The logic is, if there is famine, the other two sectors can contribute. During recession, the agricultural and service sectors can shore up the economy.

Somewhere you had mentioned that security-related personnel should go through forensic examination to enable the government to know if the candidate has chosen this career to serve the country or not.
I did not say such a thing. I said forensic science labs should do commercial activities. Nowadays, corporate houses study psychological profiles of potential CEOs, because people are constantly switching jobs. So, I suggested that forensic science labs can do this to grow their business.....Continue

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